Health & Fitness
5K Run/Walk

"Mind, Body, & Soul"

Hebrews 12:1
“...let us run with endurance the race God has set before us...”

Pets on Leash are Welcome!

Top Finisher

Cole Marsh, 20 years old ,20 Min and 30 Seconds

Common Questions

Race Details

In each one of the drop-boxes is the information related to the question!

what will the trail look like?

Zoomable Image

The path will be Loop B, following this order of points: 9, 7, 6, 5, 3, 2, 6, 7, 9. We will have brochures and guides at the event!!

When & Where is the 5k?

The 5K Run/Walk will take place on September 8th, at Markey Memorial Park with the starting line near the bathroom pavilion by the baseball field. The race kicks off promptly at 8:30 a.m., but participants are encouraged to arrive early for on-site registration, which begins at 7:40 a.m. For added convenience, you can also register online ahead of time.

Address: 3354 School Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653

What about the Free T-Shirts?

There will be 52 tech-shirts, first come, first served. To those who register online or on Race day.

How much does it cost?

Pre-registration online will cost $20, Race day registration will cost $25.

Where are the raised funds going?

The raised funds will go towards Community Health and Youth Ministries. Which will significantly enhance our ministry's efforts, allowing us to expand our outreach and make a meaningful impact within the community. With these resources, we can support a variety of programs and initiatives aimed at addressing the needs of those around us, fostering a sense of connection and support among community members.

Who is Hosting the Run?

The Houghton Lake Seventh-day Adventist Church is excited to host this community run/walk, and we warmly invite everyone to participate. Whether you are a seasoned runner, a fitness enthusiast, or simply looking to enjoy a fun and healthy activity, all are welcome to join us in this event. This run is a great opportunity to come together, promote health and wellness, and engage with our community in a meaningful way.

When/where are the health ministries?

The first of the Health Ministries is called 'Mind Fit'. The meetings will be over four nights, September 10, 12, 17, & 19. at the Houghton Lake Seventh-Day Adventist Church at 6:30 pm

Address: 324 W West Branch Rd, Prudenville, MI 48651

About the Seventh-Day
Adventist Church

As race administrators, the SDA church is delighted to host a 5k trail run/walk through the Marl Lake Trails. SDA’s are known for their “Blue Zones” lifestyle (longevity) as was written of in the National Geographic. Because SDA’s believe their bodies are the product of God’s intelligent design, we are to be good stewards of our body temples of the Holy Spirit, abstaining from things which are harmful (alcohol, unclean meats, addictive/recreational drugs…including caffeine) and promote the creation diet (power plant foods: fruit, grains, nuts, vegetables). SDA’s truly believe in the importance of “knowing God” personally as Savior, the Bible alone as the only rule of faith, salvation from sin’s penalty as being by grace through faith in Jesus’ atoning sacrifice (the root of salvation), and the “fruit of salvation” as a love response to, by God’s grace, live in obedience to God’s 10 commandments which includes the 4th which encourages the observance of the 7th day Sabbath as a Memorial of God’s creation (rest from work for time with family, worship, being in nature); that signs in the political, natural, and spiritual worlds all show Jesus’ promised 2nd Coming is near (Mt.24, Dan.2, etc.)…[Hence our name, “Seventh-day Adventists].” We believe the 3 angels messages are given in warning of Jesus’ 2nd Coming to prepare us to be ready by fearing God and giving Him glory, because the hour of His judgment is coming. We are called to worshipping Him as Creator, and to come out of Babylon (confused religion based on other things than Bible teaching), and to demonstrate our loyalty by lovingly keeping His commandments while having the faith of Jesus.


Want to register now?

You can pre-register online, to beat the line!!


This donation helps fund the outreach program coming up!

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Pre-registration Fee

This fee helps fund the outreach program coming up!

  • Discounted online
  • No stress
  • Help reach out to the community
  • Register


Want to Sponsor the race?

  • Get highlighted on the T-shirt & Website
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  • Help reach out to the community
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